donderdag 15 februari 2018

Aqua Culture

I've always loved to see the roots of plants growing and that's why I've been attrackted to the Aqua Culture way. In the past I cut of branches in my garden and get them to grow in water or put all kind of bulbs in the small hyacinth vases. I didn't always succeed though.

Recently I discovered the vases from Kinto which finds it's origin in Japan. I bought these two aqua culture vases online at Miscellaneous from Amsterdam and I love them. Succulents are very easy to keep this way. Let's see if the big one (fern?) will grow as well. At least I can not forget to water them this way, just need to change it in time :)

These greens gathered together makes me long for Spring even more so I can't wait for the mognolia branches to start showing me it's most gorgeous flowers.

pictures by me @kaatjecom

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Wat leuk de planten zo.....fijn weekend liefs Ria x

    1. Dankjewel Ria. Ziet er ook zo fris uit dat groen met het glas vind je niet 😊


Ik ben blij met een klein berichtje
I love it when you leave a message
♥ Karin